bayan çanta

Message from Principal

Message From Principal

Today the role of the school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to be a lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of and ever changing global society. We endeavor to groom our students into becoming wholesome personalities .Our teachers can guide and nurture the students  to understand the world around them develop an openness to the knowledge of one’s own and the others as that is what keeps him away from ignorance. Education synonyms being breeding civilization,coaching,cultivation,culture,development,discipline,training,tutoring and so on. Threading all this together, we strive for excellence, we make the best possible efforts to inculcate strong values combining with  academics and extra curricular activities in a child.

Our Curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated practices addressing the future needs of our students. we follow a joyful experiential learning system, where each child is encouraged to participate wholeheartedly. The parents are the most strengthening power in molding the future of children . Their consistent support empowers us to do more each time .I pay my sincere gratitude to them for their faith in us. we at Rainbow kids , look forward to a long association with you. Let us join hands in grooming the young minds so that they may walk the path of life successfully.

School’s Aim

  • To provide a happy,caring environment in which both children and adults feel secure and valued, where they will find satisfaction and pleasure in their work and where learning will flourish.

  • To ensure continuity and progression with the curriculum and provide opportunities for children to develop an understanding of the world and their influence upon it.

  • To enable children to develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question and discuss rationally and to apply themselves to realistic tasks and challenges.

  • To help children develop spiritually and morally, drawing inspiration from, and developing tolerance of, world religions, cultures and ways of life.

  • To develop each individuals as a caring, Concerned and contributing member of the community.

6 Values you should teach your children


Help your kids find a way to tell the truth


Encourage them to take on a challenge


Be generous with your affection


Insists that children make amends


Teach them to show compassion rather than holding a grudge


Teach them to think about other's feelings